Universal, Simple and Flexible: IO-Link
Modular control concepts

The IO-Link digital communication standard has universal application, networks a variety of devices together, and ensures you of flexible controller concepts in metalworking. All you need is unshielded, three- or four-conductor standard industry cables. They are highly flexible and suitable for many bending cycles. Plus they are easy to wire and exceedingly economical. Connection is made using standardized M5, M8 or M12 connectors.
The layout without a control cabinet was already possible with the fieldbus protocol, and the immense installation cost and effort associated with expensive copper cable was eliminated because a bus cable linked the components from different levels and replaced the parallel wiring configurations. But only IO-Link is efficient, simple and cost effective – both universal and flexible at the same time. You could think of IO-Link as a universal interface – the USB of automation.
But with IO-Link the versatility is even greater. Because with Safety over IO-Link Balluff offers you the first safety solution to be integrated with IO-Link for combining safety and automation technology in one system. Safety over IO-Link provides you with both sensor/actuator details as well as safety information, so you can benefit from the best of both worlds with our safety concept.