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Portable LF read/write units (70/455kHz)

LF (70/455 kHz)

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Our LF read/write units are perfect for portable reading and writing of BIS C data carriers. They are used with manual quality control or in the documentation of maintenance procedures.

The data is transmitted via WLAN, Bluetooth or cable-connected USB port. The handheld devices are expandable with 1D or 2D barcode readers. They deliver reliable results even with poor lighting and under harsh conditions.


  • Windows CE® V6.0 operating system
  • Different antenna variants available depending on data carrier selection
  • Range depends on antenna variant
  • Charging power supply and operating pin included in the scope of supply
  • Base device is the powerful Zebra Workabout Pro 4 Mobile Computer
  • Preinstalled Balluff software (SDK – Software Development Kit)
  • Touchscreen with large color display
  • Optional accessories: Docking station and pistol grip for ergonomic working
  • Customer-specific software on request

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Order code Price Ambient temperature IP rating Principle of operation Antenna type

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