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Portable UHF read/write units (860...960 MHz)

UHF (860/960 MHz)

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Our portable UHF read/write units are designed for portable reading and writing of BIS U data carriers. They are used with manual quality control or to document a maintenance procedure.

Handhelds from Balluff use WLAN, Bluetooth, or USB connection for data transmission. They are modular for adding 1D or 2D barcode readers. Handhelds remain reliable even in poor lighting conditions and harsh environments.


  • Windows CE® V5.0 operating system
  • Linear pol. antenna
  • Charging power supply and operating pin included in the scope of supply
  • Base device is the powerful Zebra Workabout Pro 4 Mobile Computer
  • Pre-installed Zebra/Motorola demo-software
  • Ideal under poor lighting conditions and in harsh environments
  • Touchscreen with large color display
  • Optional accessories: Docking station and pistol grip for ergonomic working
  • Customer-specific software on request

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