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Industries and Solutions
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Mobile independent identification

BVS HS handheld code reader

Mobile independent identification

Optical identification via 1D and 2D barcodes is a proven method of identifying components and objects and controlling systems and processes flawlessly. The robust handheld code readers with IP65 protection from Balluff are predestined for use in industry, where they combine maximum reading performance with high user-friendliness: They quickly and reliably read all common barcodes, e.g. on plastic labels, printed circuit boards or metal parts – and even survive multiple drops onto concrete from a height of up to two meters.


  • Reliable reading confirmation via acoustic signal as well as via two green LEDs and projection of a green LED spot onto the read code
  • Intuitive targeting system thanks to clearly visible laser marking frame
  • Long charge once: reads up to 30,000 times with lithium-ion batteries
  • Low weight and ergonomic shape for less work fatigue


  • Industry brochure white goods – household appliances
  • Industry brochure electronics industry

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