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Industries and Solutions
Service & Support

Transport data over all levels

BNI network blocks for Ethernet/IP*

Transport data over all levels

Ever faster, more flexible, more efficient, and more adaptable production requires seamless communication from the sensor to the Internet. As a result, the volume of data within manufacturing processes is growing. Here, components are needed that make this information available – and an infrastructure that transports it across all levels. This is exactly what our network modules are ideally suited for.


  • 4 A output current on some ports for simultaneous operation of conveyor belt motor and electric stoppers
  • Fast installation and simple integration
  • Integrated web server for configuration and display of module information
  • Easy module exchange through innovative address plug
  • Clear display

*other Ethernet interfaces on request


  • Industry brochure electronics industry
  • Industry brochure white goods – household appliances

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