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Industries and Solutions
Service & Support

Approval lists

15 Results

Figure Designation
Audi AG - Approval list Competence Center facility and forming technology
BMW AG - Approval list for Mechanical Production and Engine Assembly - Areas TA, MF-5 and UX-T
Mercedes-Benz AG - Project Book Integra Wave 6
Mercedes-Benz AG - Project Book Integra Wave 7
Daimler Truck AG - Project Manual MDM Trucks Mannheim Powertrain
Mercedes-Benz AG - Project Book MDM Powertrain PKW
Magna - Approval List Powertrain
MAN AG - Approval list Production Nuremberg
Porsche AG - Approval list Aggregate and Components Zuffenhausen
Porsche AG - Approval book Project PO513 Assembly Mission-E / Taycan

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