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Industries and Solutions
Services & Support

Easy Tool-ID 2.0

Simple entry into automatic tool management

Easy Tool-ID 2.0

Easy Tool-ID offers you a helpful solution to get started in automated tool management. Usingsimple installation and configuration, you can use it to easily set up almost any machine tool that has a USB interface (keyboard expansion).

Manual entry is eliminated, minimizinge the risk of incorrect data. Instead the data is written on the tool by the presetter via RFID technology (requirement for the system). then transmitted to the machine tool using the Easy Tool-ID system. In addition, the plug-and-work solution substantially reduces your setup times.

Easy Tool-ID consists of a tool stand with integrated read/write head, a processor unit, a microcontroller and the power supply.

  • Plug-and-work solution: A USB connection is all that is needed
  • Easily configurable and adaptable to the input screens of the machine tool
  • Simple read-in of data via electronic data transfer
  • Data can be collected at any time correctly and directly via the tool


  • Easy Tool-ID 2.0 – the simple way to identify tools
  • Technical catalog – products for efficient automation

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