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Industries and Solutions
Service & Support

Employee training

Orientation training

Our orientation training covers general introduction to Balluff China, rules and regulations of every department, work flow, properties of products, introduction to model selection as well as product application in various industries. The content of our orientation training is aimed at all new recruits, to help them adapt to their positions as soon as possible.

In-house training

Our internal teaching team is consisted of Balluff’s technical staff, who are familiar with Balluff’s products, the product application, and Balluff’s product trend. In-house training keeps our employees updated about events of the company, introduction to new products, and development direction of the industry among others.

Public class

We choose high-quality training institutions and first-class external lecturers to provide our employees with excellent external sources, and we will actively support all staff training which is beneficial for our company and our employees.

Overseas training

We share resources with the headquarter in Germany and other brother companies of Balluff Group, and provide overseas training opportunities. Many Balluff’s Chinese employees had been to German, the United States, Britain, Australia, Italy, Austria, Hungary, and Japan among other countries for training.

Outward training

We pay close attention to our staff’s team building and barrier-free communication. Outward training works as a platform for employees to express themselves, reinforce teamwork, and facilitate mutual understanding.