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Industries and Solutions

Information exchange and data transport across all levels

Safety over IO-Link

Information exchange and data transport across all levels

IO-Link supplies sensor/actuator details and secure information

Robotics is indispensable to modern automation. But robotics demands safety in order to enable the fast interaction between man and machine. Safety technology is therefore a given for automation. Only with it can, for example, fast applications with pick-and-place be realized.

We create solutions for you which will work precisely and safely over years. And the best part is that they are also quite easy to implement because safety technology from Balluff offers the advantages of IO-Link.

Safety over IO-Link is simple to integrate and reacts quickly. It communicates down to the last meter and provides both sensor/actuator details as well as safety information. This lets you attain reliable, flexible information exchange and data transport across all levels.

Integration is as simple as connecting the safe I/O module to the IO-Link master. You can connect nearly any safety device to this system, which is open all the way to the sensor level, and bundle the signals from binary standard sensors. The parameterization is done centrally via the controller. The safety-relevant information is sent through the master to the controller.


  • Technical catalog – products for efficient automation
  • Performance portfolio – We speak IO-Link. Worldwide – in all areas

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