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News from ARENA2036

Since Balluff became a member of the Stuttgart Innovation Project, a lot has happened: a larger team on site, exciting new projects and numerous contacts to partners in industry and research. The Balluff Newsroom team was on site and reports.

Since Balluff became a member of the Stuttgart Innovation Project, a lot has happened: a larger team on site, exciting new projects and numerous contacts to partners in industry and research. The Balluff Newsroom team was on site and reports.

ARENA2036 stands for Active Research Environment for the Next Generation of Automobiles. Since 2013, companies and research partners from various disciplines have been working together in the arena to achieve a common goal: by 2036, the 150th anniversary of the automobile, it should be as innovative and future oriented as it was when it was first patented.

Balluff in the ARENA2036

A lot has happened for the sensor and automation specialist Balluff since it joined the project in 2017: In addition to a seat on the board of directors and the expansion of the local team, numerous exciting sub-projects are underway. Balluff is supporting them with its expertise in sensor technology and industrial automation.

With its own workspace and up to 5 employees, the Balluff team is permanently on site at ARENA2036. The immediate presence of partners in research and industry enables flexible collaboration in projects and beyond. Image: Balluff

Future Mobility through 5G

One example is the SynergieRegion project, which is driving forward 5G research and uncovering potential for industrial and production applications. The new mobile communications standard is of great interest for modern production systems and applications in urban areas. It offers numerous advantages: Support for large data rates, low la-tencies, the possibility of precise localization and high device density. All this makes 5G a key technology for mobility in modern production systems and in the urban space of the future.

ARENA2036, Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH (WRS), the business development agency of the state capital Stuttgart, and eleven other regional partners from industry and research, including Nokia, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and Balluff, are involved in the project, which is funded by the BMVI with 4 million euros.

As part of the project, Balluff developed a prototype of a localizable 5G sensor and a 5G-capable IO-Link master that enables wireless communication between sensors and control systems. The advantage: network cables are no longer required, which is a basic requirement for many autonomous applications such as transport and logistics robots.

Success through direct exchange

Albert Dorneich, Technology Strategy Manager at Balluff, knows that SynergieRegion is just one of numerous exciting projects in the ARENA2036: "The great strength of the arena is that we generate creative synergy between business and science. There is joint research and tinkering at every turn. This motivates the teams on site and often achieves exciting results."

Although collaboration is organized in projects, the open structure of the working area, which resembles a trade fair, facilitates and promotes direct exchange - even across project boundaries. Albert Dorneich adds, "Anyone who has a question or finds a project exciting doesn't have to write long e-mails back and forth. He can just drop by and say hello."

Innovation as a strategic goal

With its membership in ARENA2036, Balluff aims to live up to its role as an innovative partner for automation. Just recently, the Balluff management met on site at ARENA2036 for the management conference. The leadership team experienced the ongoing projects first-hand together with the teams.

In the future, Balluff plans to intensify the collaboration and contribute its knowledge in sensor technology and industrial automation to upcoming innovation projects at ARENA2036.

Management conference with a difference: Just recently, the Balluff management met on site at ARENA2036 to experience the innovative projects up close together with the team. Image: Balluff

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