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The many roles of Sabrina Veil

Sabrina Veil has worked at Balluff for more than 20 years. She knows what it means to grow into new roles – whether in her job as a logistics specialist at headquarters in Neuhausen, Swabia, or in her home life when it comes to carnival season.

The many roles of Sabrina Veil

There are some people who you just cannot fail to be impressed by when you hear their story. Sabrina Veil is one such person. She is deeply rooted in the region of Neuhausen auf den Fildern, she is a dedicated mother with two children of her own and three foster children, she is a fully committed carnival reveler, and she has been forging her path at Balluff for more than 20 years. In fact, whatever this 41-year-old does – she does it with complete commitment and great conviction.

At home in manufacturing and logistics

It all started at Balluff with assembling and soldering circuit boards under a microscope. That was Sabrina Veil’s first job at Balluff in 2000 after an entry-level internship. Today – more than 20 years later – she no longer sits on the production line in the microelectronics department manufacturing sensors; instead she sits in the operation center of the logistics and shipping department and ensures that Balluff products are delivered quickly and reliably to customers all over the world. Together with four colleagues and her department manager Oliver Maier, she coordinates the shipping logistics and is jointly responsible for ensuring that around 2000 parcel shipments find their way to Balluff customers in more than 94 countries around the world every day.

1.3 million parts in 2021 alone

A total of 60 employees work in logistics in two shifts, divided into pickers and forklift drivers. The vast majority of orders from the Balluff online shop and the orders from the global sales team end up at one of the nine picking stations. These stations are fed by a conveyor belt, on which the parts from the fully automatic and manual high-bay warehouse as well as a fast-moving parts warehouse land.

At the picking stations, the orders are made ready for dispatch, i.e. weighed and provided with a delivery note, professionally packed, addressed, placed on the correct shipping pallet and made available at the loading ramp for collection by freight forwarders, postal and courier services. 1.3 million ordered parts (Sabrina Veil calls them “picks”) have already passed through the shipping department in the current year of 2021 alone.

Part of the whole

Only when the roller shutter or the container door on the truck closes does Veil’s area of responsibility end. She oversees this entire process chain from her operation center.

“There are a lot of steps from the time the order is entered into our shipping system to the time the package or parcel is ready for loading, so a lot of things have to come together smoothly,” knows Veil. “It helps me a lot that I was a small cog in this system myself for ten years as an order picker – and still am today, by the way,” says Veil with a laugh.

“It just makes me immensely proud when I walk out of here at night and know that I’m a part of it all here,” she says, pointing toward the logistics department. “That’s exactly what motivates and drives me so much every day.” Her boss Oliver Maier, head of good logistics at Balluff, knows that he can rely on his colleague: “Sabrina is a very committed employee. She gets involved and she is there with her experience whenever something goes wrong. She doesn’t mince words and won’t hesitate to point out problems. That’s what we appreciate so much about her.” And then he adds: “She is also very active in her home life. And it’s admirable how she manages to balance it all out…”

"Going out at night and knowing you're part of the whole."

Sabrina Veil, Head of Balluff Logistics

A sheep at carnival time

Here we see another face of Sabrina Veil: That of a carnival reveler. A face that is best expressed in the wood carving mask in the shape of a sheep.

Veil is active in the “Bossa-Schof” mask group and has been for 17 years. The mask group is one of 15 mask groups that participate with their suits, called “Häs”, in parades and events for the Swabian Alemannic carnival. The carnival season, known as the “fifth season”, usually begins for the mask groups just after the turn of the year.

It would not be Sabrina Veil’s thing to just be a regular member of the group here. “I want to take responsibility and actively participate,” she says. Not surprisingly, then, she is a group leader at Bossa-Schof and, as a trainer, introduces children to the world of carnival masks and traditional dances. Sabrina Veil is also active on the council of the Narrenbund Neuhausen e.V. carnival club as this club is also strongly rooted in the traditions of carnival. Together with her husband Thomas, the couple was crowned carnival “prince and princess” in Neuhausen in 2008/2009.

A great organizer in her leisure time as well

During the busy phase of the carnival season, her hobby fills her weekends and family life almost entirely. Her mask group takes part in one or two parades almost every weekend during the carnival season. Veil says: “For me, that means organizing buses, assembling the crew, assigning lineups in the parade, and making sure each group member’s ‘Häs’ complies with the rules during the events.” That is why she is also very happy that her husband, her two daughters and her three foster children also take part enthusiastically in the carnival activities.

Commitment and dedication

Something thats sounds like a lot of work and stress is a joyful calling for Sabrina Veil: “I am a very extroverted person and like to contribute to society – whether at work or in my hobbies. In a lot of what I do, I benefit from the fact that I like to work in a structured and organized way. That’s also what helps me at Balluff.” In everything she has done in her 20 years at Balluff, there has always been enthusiasm, focus, commitment and conviction. “Balluff has enabled me to do so much and always believed in me – no matter what role I was in. I give my colleagues a lot of credit for that and I’m very happy to give that back with dedication and commitment.”

Carnival – briefly explained!
Known as the “5th season”, it is the season of celebration that takes place in southwestern Germany and parts of Switzerland. It is characterized by the fact that the participants are normally fully disguised with costumes and even elaborately carved face masks. In this part of the world, carnival is known as “Fasnet” and is distinct from other carnival celebrations such as the Rhineland carnival.

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Balluff Limited

20 Cheshire Business Park
Cheshire Avenue
Lostock Gralam
Northwich, CW9 7UA

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