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Industries and Solutions
Service & Support

Utilisation Conditions

Protection of your privacy and your personal data is very important to us. With the help of this Data Protection Declaration we want to make our data protection measures transparent to you.

Recording and processing of personal data

When you visit our website, our web server automatically stores the IP address which was assigned to you by your Internet service provider, the website from which you are visiting our website and the date and duration of the visit. The stored data are evaluated solely for statistical purposes and are not passed on to third parties either for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Personal data are only stored if you agree to this voluntarily, e.g. when registering, during a survey or in order to execute a contract. We hereby give you an assurance that we will always treat your data as confidential and will not pass them on to third parties, unless you have given us your permission in this respect or we have received an official instruction to do so.

Use of service providers

If we commission service providers to perform work for our company, we will contractually oblige them to comply with our Data Protection Regulations.

Utilisation purposes

Balluff uses your personal data for technical administration of our website, for customer management, for supply of the products or services which you requested and for marketing solely to the extent required in these cases. We will only use your personal data for other purposes if you have given us your permission and there are no legal obligations.

Right of access and rectification

You are entitled to verify and rectify your personal data stored with us at any time if you believe they are incorrect. If you have any questions regarding processing of your personal data, you can contact our Data Protection Officer. In this case it is sufficient to send an e-mail to our company's Data Protection Officer (see below for e-mail address) or to the e-mail address shown in the Imprint.

Right of revocation

You are entitled to revoke permission to use personal data at any time with effect for the future. In this case it is sufficient to send an e-mail to the e-mail address shown in the Imprint or to our company's Data Protection Officer (see below for e-mail address).

Storage of personal data

Balluff will only store your personal data for as long as it is necessary to perform the service you have requested or the service for which you have given your permission if legal obligations exist. Balluff will only store your data for as long as they are used for marketing purposes.


Balluff will use technical and organisational security measures to protect your personal data against intentional manipulation, loss and unauthorised access. Our security measures comply with the latest state of the art.

Additional information regarding Internet data recording

This website uses Piwik analytics tool. We collect and save online visitors data for the sake of sales and website optimization so as to serve our customers better. Piwik analyzes your websites engagements through so-called Cookie, that is, documents that are saved in your local computer. Information (your IP address included) created by Cookie is transferred to and saved on Balluff server through your activities on websites. Balluff will use this information to analyze your engagements on websites and provide relevant reports for websites operation. Balluff uses those data in the scope that is allowed by the law and ensures your data safe. You may avoid to install Cookie through explorer setting. However, we kindly reminder you that in such a case, you might be unable to use full functions provided by this website. Once you use this website, you agree that Balluff could manage the data you provide in the way and for the purpose that are mentioned above. You may also choose to stop Cookie to prevent Piwik from data collecting when you visit the website.


The contents of this website are regularly checked and updated. However, incomplete information and mistakes cannot always be avoided. Balluff GmbH therefore accepts no liability for the topicality, completeness, correctness and quality of the supplied information. Any liability claims against Balluff GmbH based on material or immaterial damage resulting from the use or non-use of this information are therefore generally excluded, unless intention or grossly negligent behaviour on the part of Balluff GmbH can be proved. Balluff GmbH also reserves the right to change the information or remove the website without prior announcement.


Balluff GmbH has exclusive copyrighted rights of use regarding the contents of this website that it provides. Reproduction or any other use of these contents, especially photos, graphics, texts, animations or audio files, is not permitted in any way without the written permission of Balluff GmbH.

Links to other websites

Our website contains links to other websites. We have no influence over whether the operators of these websites comply with data protection regulations. In our capacity as a provider, we are responsible for our own contents in accordance with general legislation. A distinction may be made between our own contents and links to contents made available by other providers. We accept no liability for outside contents which are provided via links for use and are specially identified as such. We also claim no responsibility for their contents. The provider of the website to which reference is made is solely liable for illegal, erroneous or incomplete contents, as well for damage caused by the use or non-use of information. The editorial department is only responsible for external information if it is aware of the information, and its potential illegal indictable contents, and if it is technically possibly and reasonable to prevent the use of the information.


Tel. +852 3162 3430
Fax. +852 2694 0223
[email protected]

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