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Balluff hosts virtual event

Experience automation online

Balluff hosts virtual event

Sensor and automation specialist Balluff presents new products in a virtual live event.

Neuhausen a. d. F. – According to the slogan "Discover automation online", family-owned company Balluff presented this year's product highlights for customers and prospective customers on a virtual event platform on April 21st and 22nd. Over 25 experts presented new solutions and approaches for the industrial automation and digital transformation in more than nine hours of live sessions. From industrial image processing, software solutions, tool identification, condition-based monitoring to approaches for the Industrial Internet of Things – numerous topics were on the agenda of the two-day event. The presentation was broadcasted from a purpose-built studio at Balluff's headquarters in Neuhausen.

Turning a necessity into a virtue

With this virtual event, the sensor and automation specialist is making a virtue out of necessity and finding new ways to replace cancelled and postponed trade shows. "Many medium-sized industrial companies are still in a kind of shock at the moment. Major events have been cancelled for the longer term and important industry trade fairs such as the Hanover Fair have been cancelled at short notice," says Balluff Managing Director Florian Hermle. "But we didn't want to just accept this. With a motivated project team, we have spent the past four weeks to put together a virtual, global event for our customers". And this paid off: More than 3,000 people regis-tered for the event and at peak times more than 500 people followed the presentations at the same time. Balluff had "professionally and diversely defied the crisis", according to the feedback. "The positive feedback from our customers encourages us on our digital path," summarized Hermle.

Shaping the transformation

Highlights of the two-day event were various keynotes by internal and external speakers. Under the title "Shaping the transformation", Hermle provided insights into how Balluff, as a traditional manufacturer of industrial sensors, is dealing with the current situation and meeting the opportunities and challenges of digitalization. In her keynote "Changeability for productivity", Prof. Dr. Gisela Lanza from the Institute for Production Technology at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) presented the adaptability of entire production systems as a central response to the increasing complexity and volatility of networked production. The short-term conversion of production from manual to automated manufacturing in a scalable production system makes it possible to react quickly to changing conditions such as fluctuations in demand or flexible work plans. Dirk Rutschmann, co-founder and managing director of corpus.e AG, spoke on the topic of "Platform business models - Data is the new gold". He provided insights into the potential of scalable business models based on digital platforms. Hilke Schwans, Head of Marketing & Sales at Balluff, and Hubertus Breier, Head of Technology at Balluff, showed how digitalization in the B2B sector is changing business models and how this process is being accelerated by the corona crisis.

From configuration to dashboard

In application reports and product presentations, numerous Balluff experts presented solutions for level monitoring, industrial image processing and machine learning, among other things. The Balluff Condition Monitoring Sensor detects various physical variables such as vibration, temperature, relative humidity and ambient pressure, processes them on-board and provides the desired data to a host system via IO-Link. During the two days of the event, 124 people from 19 nations worked at the virtual stand. This way, the international event could be followed from all over the world. "Our customers are in the center of our interest. Despite the current situation, we want to stay in contact and support them in finding advanced solutions for their applications and present our new developments to them," says Hermle. "That is why we will continue to focus on innovative digital solutions."

About the company Balluff

Founded in 1921 in Neuhausen a.d.F., Balluff employs 4000 people worldwide and represents innovative technology, quality and cross-industry experience in industrial automation. As a leading sensor and automation specialist, the family-owned company in its fourth generation offers a comprehensive portfolio of high-quality sensor, identification, network and software solutions.
In 2018, Balluff Group reported revenues of around 488 mil. Euros. In addition to the main headquarters in Neuhausen a. d. F., Balluff has sales, production and development locations around the world and can boast 38 wholly owned subsidiaries and other representatives in 68 countries. This guarantees customers rapid worldwide availability of products and high consulting and service quality on site.


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