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Industries and Solutions
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Move goods energy-efficiently

BNI network blocks

Move goods energy-efficiently

Whoever wants to master the complexity of intralogistics processes with confidence is increasingly relying on decentralized concepts. For example, our IO-Link network blocks with 4 A output current can be used to control up to four drives and, thus, operate both conveyor belt motors and electric stoppers on your roller conveyors – precisely when they are needed. This reduces the load on the control system, pre-processes information efficiently, increases productivity, and reduces energy consumption.


  • Robust design
  • Quick installation and simple integration
  • Separate control of the drives
  • Integrated web server for configuring and displaying module information
  • Easy module replacement thanks to innovative address plug


  • Industry brochure electronics industry
  • Industry brochure white goods – household appliances
  • Industry brochure intralogistics

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