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Industries and Solutions
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Fast parameter replacement, minimum scrap

Automate Format Changes

Fast parameter replacement, minimum scrap

React quickly and flexibly to changing requirements

Ever smaller lot sizes mean your production has to respond ever faster to changing customer demands while also being flexible since different sizes and formats are involved in feeding, processing and packaging the material.

The position and spacing of the adjustment points, such as for transport belts and guide rails, therefore, need to be reset each time the product format is changed. Using position measuring systems for format changing shortens the change time, increases product quality and reduces scrap to a minimum.

Our magnetostrictive linear position sensors with IO-Link interface provide high-precision, fast and absolute position detection for your individual format settings. The rugged design with a hermetically sealed housing makes it completely impervious to contamination, shock and vibration. You will benefit from high machine and system up-time even under extreme ambient conditions. Simultaneously querying multiple positions with a single positioning system saves you additional integration effort and cost.

IO-Link gives you multiple benefits: incorporation into the control system and times savings thanks to replacing the parameters using the defined protocols. Plug-and-play makes system interchanges quick and easy. The system is up and ready again immediately with no homing move for a maximum stroke length of 4572 mm.


  • Technical catalog – products for efficient automation
  • Performance portfolio – We speak IO-Link. Worldwide – in all areas

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