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Industries and Solutions

Controlling driverless transport vehicles

Controlling driverless transport vehicles

Rely on our RFID systems and facilitate navigation of driverless transport systems. Which makes efficient material flow possible. Permanent communication between the RFID reader in the vehicle and data carriers embedded in the floor means you can precisely guide the vehicle to the respective workstation and track the deliveries. Vehicle parts are reliably provided through the entire plant. And our photoelectric sensors ensure precise positioning at the loading and unloading stations.

The features

  • Detect absolute position in passing
  • Can verify at any time which vehicle is located where and with what materials
  • Communicate non-contact and maintenance-free
  • Automate work sequences, reduce manual operations


  • Industry brochure automotive

Do you have any questions or suggestions? We are at your disposal.

For all questions concerning commercial topics such as quotations, orders, delivery times, our inside sales department will be happy to support you.

Contact us directly by phone: +32 (0)16 792970

Balluff Benelux

Hintham 117d
5246 AE Rosmalen, Netherlands

Please contact us:
[email protected]

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