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Industries and Solutions

CHINA, Chengdu

Production, intralogistics | around 360 employees

The plant in Chengdu is one of Balluff's three large series production sites, along with the two plants in Veszprém (Hungary) and Aguascalientes (Mexico). Balluff Chengdu manufactures more than 3.7 million inductive and mechanical sensors per year in western China, as well as linear position measuring systems for industrial automation and other products. In the production and logistics network, Chengdu acts as the regional supplier for the APAC region and lead factory for inductive sensors. However, supply is not limited to the APAC market, as more than half of Chengdu's products find their customers in other parts of the world. The distribution center for the APAC region is located in Hong Kong.

Balluff has already been active in China for 30 years. In 1996, we placed our first assembly orders in Chengdu - at that time to an external partner. In 2004, we established a subsidiary in Chengdu to continue production under 100% ownership. The opening of our own newly built plant followed three years later. This was Balluff's pioneering work, as it was the first German production company on site at the time. Many long-standing employees at the site reflect the trust we have earned as an employer over the past 20 years. Through a building expansion in 2023, Balluff in Chengdu has 14000 m² of production space with state-of-the-art manufacturing technology that can be flexibly adapted for different product lines and product quantities from one to many thousands.

Do you have any questions or suggestions? We are at your disposal.

For all questions concerning commercial topics such as quotations, orders, delivery times, our inside sales department will be happy to support you.

Contact us directly by phone: +32 (0)16 792970

Balluff Benelux

Hintham 117d
5246 AE Rosmalen, Netherlands

Please contact us:
[email protected]

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