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Industries and Solutions

Electrode monitoring in the electric arc furnace

Electrode monitoring in the electric arc furnace

Sensors for detecting color and contrast support the positioning of electrodes in the arc furnace. The sensor, which is protected in the gripper, checks whether it has been gripped correctly using color markings on the electrode – with absolute reliability and at various temperatures.

The features

  • Software allows for simple configuration and visualization
  • Any number of colors, even the slightest shades, can be detected and differentiated even with changing object temperature
  • Rugged metal housing


  • Industry brochure steel and metallurgical industry

Do you have any questions or suggestions? We are at your disposal.

For all questions concerning commercial topics such as quotations, orders, delivery times, our inside sales department will be happy to support you.

Contact us directly by phone: +49 7158 173-555

Balluff GmbH

Schurwaldstraße 9
73765 Neuhausen a.d.F.

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