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Industries and Solutions

Automated assembly technology - assembly & handling of medium-sized assemblies (approx. 50cm object size)

Conveyor system up to 50cm object size

The traceability of work steps is crucial in order to implement machining and assembly processes transparently, correctly and completely. In addition, the control of parts through the manufacturing process must be smooth. In the process, conveyor belt systems often cover long distances and travel at different speeds.

The BIS M RFID HF System can reliably handle all of this in combination with the technology-independent BIS V evaluation unit. This is because the robust RFID system BIS M is designed for high cycle rates. For conveyor systems with widths between 100-500 mm, the RFID read/write head specially developed for transfer systems is the ideal solution. This high-speed reader ensures fast reading and writing and is mounted in a space-saving manner without the need for an additional holder. In order to precisely detect each transport container equipped with a data carrier, the antenna is simultaneously dimensioned in such a way that no overlaps occur despite the high speed.

Corner data carriers can also be used. These can be read and written from two sides - right-angled branches and switches in the conveyor system pose no problem. If a particularly large amount of information is to be stored on the object, data carriers with a large memory are also available.

  • High-speed readers for particularly fast transfer speeds
  • Rod antennas for the longest possible ranges and exact recording of data carriers

Do you have any questions or suggestions? We are at your disposal.

For all questions concerning commercial topics such as quotations, orders, delivery times, our inside sales department will be happy to support you.

Balluff GmbH

Schurwaldstraße 9
73765 Neuhausen a.d.F.