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3D camera BVS 3D-RV0

Innovative, powerful and smart: our new 3D camera

3D camera

Low system costs, fast implementation and a high degree of flexibility in the application: this is what the BVS 3D-RV0 product family of intelligent 3D cameras promises. With an integrated processor and application-specific software modules on the camera, the BVS 3D-RV0 offers stand-alone 3D image processing and can be used very easily as a 3D stereo sensor. Processed 3D information such as pick points are directly forwarded by the BVS 3D-RV0 to the robot application.

3D camera and 3D vision sensor in one

The 3D camera BVS 3D-RV0 is easy to use and offers high flexibility in application. With on-board processing capabilities, the BVS 3D-RV0 can be integrated directly into any robotic application, generally without needing an external computer. It enables robots to generate and process time- and location-based data in real time.

Software modules for specific applications

An on-board software package makes it very easy to use the BVS 3D-RV0 as a 3D vision sensor. The optional rc_reason software suite provides additional intelligent tools for specific tasks. Also, the integrated GigE Vision interface supports connecting to a PC, which offers the flexibility of a 3D camera. Camera data can be further processed and stand-alone 3D applications can be created.

With the help of Ego-Motion, the BVS 3D-RV0 determines its own position and orients itself with millimeter precision and very low latency. Precise ego-motion data is reliably generated even in the presence of vibrations. An intuitive web interface allows easy setup and configuration. Multiple BVS 3D-RV0 cameras can also easily operate in the same workspace.

The camera models capture up to 1.2 million 3D data points and achieve frame rates of up to 25 Hz, depending on the resolution. Various robot interfaces are already integrated for communication between robot and camera.

Special features

  • Fast implementation and easy operation thanks to user-friendly web-based user interface
  • High application flexibility thanks to optional software modules and GigE Vision interface
  • Low system costs and high system reliability through on-board processing and application-specific software modules
  • Increased productivity through smart software modules


Output data

  • Processed 3D information: Gripping points, object dimensions, load carrier position, load carrier fill level.

  • Camera data via GigE Vision: left and right camera image, depth image (disparity image), conference image, defect image

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Balluff GmbH

Schurwaldstraße 9
73765 Neuhausen a.d.F.

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