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Industries and Solutions
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Transmit signals safe in electrical interference fields

BNI network blocks

Transmit signals safe in electrical interference fields

Our robust network modules enable safe and error-free signal transmission – unaffected by weld spatter, welding currents and electromagnetic inter­ference fields. You get IO-Link network modules and IO-Link sensor/actuator hubs with eight IO-Link ports each for 16 inputs and outputs. IO-Link makes it possible to set up a decentralized system architecture directly in the welding cell. Network nodes equipped with IO-Link network modules communicate directly with the controller or the control unit of your machine via Ethernet/IP.


  • Short-circuit-proof inputs and outputs protected against overload
  • Eight IO-Link ports for connecting a wide variety of intelligent IO-Link sensors, actuators or I/O modules
  • Extensive, smart diagnostic functions
  • Easy parameterization via IO-Link
  • Quickly wired standard industrial cables


  • Industry brochure white goods – household appliances

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