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Industries and Solutions
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Measuring travel, distances, angles and pressures, non-contact, whether linear or rotary


Measuring travel, distance, position, angle and pressure are common tasks in automation. The measuring principles used are as varied as the different tasks. We will show you applications and possible solutions based on the magnetostrictive, magnetically coded, inductive and photoelectric technologies.

Application examples

Magnetostrictive linear displacement systems help you monitor the closing of platens on a plastic injection molding machine. A gentle mold closure reduces wear and extends your mold's useful life.

With photoelectric measuring devices you determine the size and position of objects in the material flow of production lines. Neither the surface properties nor the color of the target object has any affect on the measuring quality.

Sensor technologies

Each product technology has its own application focus areas:

  • Magnetostrictive enables simultaneous measurement of multiple positions and can be used in challenging environments.

  • Magnet coded enables the highest accuracy and real-time measurement.

  • Inductive is used for integration in an extremely tight space and is suitable for short distances.

  • Photoelectric features flexible range as well as being unaffected by the color or surface properties of the target object.

Sensor interfaces such as 0...10 V or 4...20 mA analog, IO-Link and Ethernet-based are the state of the art.

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