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Industries and Solutions

Managing welding currents and electromagnetic noise fields

Managing welding currents and electromagnetic noise fields

We offer a complete family of network modules that have been developed for harsh welding environments: IO-Link masters with 8 IO-Link ports for 16 in- and outputs as well as IO-Link sensor/actuator hubs with expansion port. The weld-immune modules made of fiberglass reinforced plastic can reliably handle weld splatter, welding currents and electromagnetic fields. And ensure secure signal transmission even in the presence of disruptive environmental influences.

The features

  • Resistant to welding currents and electromagnetic noise fields
  • Eight IO-Link ports to connect all IO-Link devices
  • Economical: up to 240 configurable in-/outputs on a single network node
  • Flexible: with expansion port for connecting an IO-Link valve interface or IO-Link sensor/actuator hub


  • Balluff in the Automotive Industry

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