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Industries and Solutions

Battery module production: Traceability and flexibility in all production steps

Uninterrupted traceability of all production and origin-related data is indispensable in battery module production. Only then can you verify the process steps include all components and are quality assured. Balluff is at your side for these tasks with a wide range of RFID systems.

With battery cell size changes, differing contacting, and various installation situations in the packs, battery technology is being constantly improved. Production equipment must be correspondingly flexible and quickly adapted to this continuous improvement. Balluff helps you here with flexible solutions: Inductive couplers, for example, enable non-contact power and data transmission. These units make mechanical plug contacts superfluous and thus reduce wiring effort and expense. By automating battery manufacturing, you meet new challenges in the shortest possible time and made your processes flexible.

To detect irregularities early or prevent critical operating states, our LED SmartLight stack lights are an ideal solution. And our SmartCameras reliably read the codes on the battery cells.

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